April 11, 2014

Nikki Style 2014: Real image

Hi everyone! It's official: we have a Nikki Style.
I am so excited! In my later post I have talked about the whole line and I have said that Official Barbie Instagram is posting pictures of a (suppose) Nikki. And now, I realize: that rumor is true!
Well, I am gonna stop talking and I'm gonna show you the prototype pic.

Credit: Miss Teresa Riviera / Flickr user
Her hair is a little mess, so I think that this is not the Official Prototype photo, but now we know what we might be expecting. 
Well, I like her clothes, but I don't know, her leggings are weird, I don´t like her shoes (or tennis or whatever), and her bag is super ugly. To be perfect, I might take off that shoes and that leggings and change her awful purse.
But I am gonna wait to see real pictures, and then I will have an opinion more organized.

Tell to Doll Collector what you think, your opinion is very important to the growing of this blog!!


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